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texts:principaldoctrines:pd_14 [2023/07/02 13:36] – ↷ Page moved from texts:pd_14 to texts:principaldoctrines:pd_14 cassiusamicustexts:principaldoctrines:pd_14 [2023/07/04 16:56] (current) cassiusamicus
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-**14.  Great power and wealth may, up to a certain point, bring us security from other men.  But the greatest security depends upon tranquility of the soul and freedom from the crowd of men.**+====== Doctrine 14 ======
-Alternate Translations: Bailey:  The most unalloyed source of protection from men, which is secured to some extent by a certain force of expulsion, is in fact the immunity which results from a quiet life and the retirement from the world.  Yonge:  The most unalloyed source of protection from menwhich is secured to some extent by a certain force of expulsionis in fact the immunity which results from a quiet life and the retirement from the world.  Strodach:  The simplest means of procuring protection from other men (which is gained to a certain extent by deterrent force) is the security of quiet solitude and withdrawal from the mass of people.+**14. Great power and wealth mayup to a certain pointbring us security from other men. But the greatest security depends upon tranquility of the soul and freedom from the crowd of men.**
-NewEpicurean Commentary: Wealth and power are possessions that are desirable in that they bring a certain amount of security against dangers presented by other men and Nature, but the most important possession is a calm mind that is governed by reason and deters unwise indulgence in any pleasure or appetite.  Only a calm mind governed by reason is fully secure against the dangers one can expect to encounter.+Alternate Translations: Bailey: The most unalloyed source of protection from men, which is secured to some extent by a certain force of expulsion, is in fact the immunity which results from a quiet life and the retirement from the world. Yonge: The most unalloyed source of protection from men, which is secured to some extent by a certain force of expulsion, is in fact the immunity which results from a quiet life and the retirement from the world. Strodach: The simplest means of procuring protection from other men (which is gained to a certain extent by deterrent force) is the security of quiet solitude and withdrawal from the mass of people. 
 +NewEpicurean Commentary: Wealth and power are possessions that are desirable in that they bring a certain amount of security against dangers presented by other men and Nature, but the most important possession is a calm mind that is governed by reason and deters unwise indulgence in any pleasure or appetite. Only a calm mind governed by reason is fully secure against the dangers one can expect to encounter.
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  • Last modified: 2023/07/02 23:28
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