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texts:principaldoctrines:pd_17 [2023/07/02 23:28] – external edit [2023/07/04 16:59] (current) cassiusamicus
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-**17.  The man who is just is, of all men, the most free from trouble, but the unjust man is a perpetual prey to turmoil.**+====== Doctrine 17 ======
-Alternate Translations: Bailey:  The just man is most free from trouble; the unjust most full of trouble.  Yonge:  The just man is most free from trouble; the unjust most full of trouble+**17. The man who is just is, of all men, the most free from trouble, but the unjust man is a perpetual prey to turmoil.** 
 +Alternate Translations: Bailey: The just man is most free from trouble; the unjust most full of trouble. Yonge: The just man is most free from trouble; the unjust most full of trouble
 Vatican Saying 12: The just man is most free from disturbance, while the unjust is full of the utmost disturbance. Vatican Saying 12: The just man is most free from disturbance, while the unjust is full of the utmost disturbance.
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 NewEpicurean Commentary: Living one’s life justly is the best way to avoid turmoil, as he who is unjust is perpetually prey to fear that his unjustness will be found out. NewEpicurean Commentary: Living one’s life justly is the best way to avoid turmoil, as he who is unjust is perpetually prey to fear that his unjustness will be found out.

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  • Last modified: 2023/07/02 23:28
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