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texts:principaldoctrines:pd_36 [2023/07/02 13:36] – ↷ Page moved from texts:pd_36 to texts:principaldoctrines:pd_36 cassiusamicustexts:principaldoctrines:pd_36 [2023/07/05 09:16] (current) cassiusamicus
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 +====== Doctrine 36 ======
 **36.  In general, justice is the same for all, for justice is a mutual advantage in the dealings of men with each other, but in different nations and under different circumstances, the application of justice may differ.** **36.  In general, justice is the same for all, for justice is a mutual advantage in the dealings of men with each other, but in different nations and under different circumstances, the application of justice may differ.**
  • texts/principaldoctrines/pd_36.1688319414.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/07/02 23:28
  • (external edit)