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what_is_happpiness [2024/02/18 09:09] – created cassiusamicuswhat_is_happpiness [2024/02/18 09:13] (current) cassiusamicus
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 ===== Torquatus - On Ends ===== ===== Torquatus - On Ends =====
-**1:26** - If then even the glory of the Virtues, on which all the other philosophers love to expatiate so eloquently, has in the last resort no meaning unless it be based on pleasure, whereas pleasure is the only thing that is intrinsically attractive and alluring, it cannot be doubted that pleasure is the one supreme and final Good and that **__a life of happiness is nothing else than a life of pleasure__.**+**1:54** (XVI)
-**1:54** But if the encomium passed even on the virtues themselves, over which the eloquence of all other philosophers especially runs riot, can nd no vent unless it be referred to pleasure, and pleasure is the only thing which invites us to the pursuit of itself, and attracts us by reason of its own nature, then there can be no doubt that of all things good it is the supreme and ultimate good, and that __**a life of happiness means nothing else but a life attended by pleasure**__ .+RACKHAM - If then even the glory of the Virtues, on which all the other philosophers love to expatiate so eloquently, has in the last resort no meaning unless it be based on pleasure, whereas pleasure is the only thing that is intrinsically attractive and alluring, it cannot be doubted that pleasure is the one supreme and final Good and that **__a life of happiness is nothing else than a life of pleasure__.** 
 +REID: But if the encomium passed even on the virtues themselves, over which the eloquence of all other philosophers especially runs riot, can nd no vent unless it be referred to pleasure, and pleasure is the only thing which invites us to the pursuit of itself, and attracts us by reason of its own nature, then there can be no doubt that of all things good it is the supreme and ultimate good, and that __**a life of happiness means nothing else but a life attended by pleasure**__  .
 ===== Diogenes of Oinoanda ===== ===== Diogenes of Oinoanda =====
-**Fr. 32  **... [the latter] being as malicious as the former. I shall discuss folly shortly, the virtues and pleasure now. If, gentlemen, the point at issue between these people and us involved inquiry into «what is the means of happiness?» and they wanted to say «the virtues» (which would actually be true), it would be unnecessary to take any other step than to agree with them about this, without more ado. **But since, as I say, the issue is not «what is the means of happiness?» but «what is happiness and what is the ultimate goal of our nature?**», I say both now and always, shouting out loudly to all Greeks and non-Greeks,** that pleasure is the end of the best mode of life, while the virtues,** which are inopportunely messed about by these people (being transferred from the place of the means to that of the end), are in no way an end, but the means to the end. Let us therefore now state that this is true, making it our starting-point.+**Fr. 32 **… [the latter] being as malicious as the former. I shall discuss folly shortly, the virtues and pleasure now. If, gentlemen, the point at issue between these people and us involved inquiry into «what is the means of happiness?» and they wanted to say «the virtues» (which would actually be true), it would be unnecessary to take any other step than to agree with them about this, without more ado. **But since, as I say, the issue is not «what is the means of happiness?» but «what is happiness and what is the ultimate goal of our nature?**», I say both now and always, shouting out loudly to all Greeks and non-Greeks,** that pleasure is the end of the best mode of life, while the virtues,** which are inopportunely messed about by these people (being transferred from the place of the means to that of the end), are in no way an end, but the means to the end. Let us therefore now state that this is true, making it our starting-point.
  • what_is_happpiness.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/18 09:13
  • by cassiusamicus