Table of Contents

EpicureanFriends Wiki

The EpicureanFriends Wiki is an adjunct resource of the Forum. We will post here additional summary and background material in support of the forum.

Organizational Documents - The central forum and place for collaboration and discussion for the promotion of Epicurean philosophy

Epicurus College - The place where an online self and group study curriculum is being developed.

Epicurus College Course Material - Course Materials for the Epicurus College project. - Older blogging platform for the EpicureanFriends project.

Current Projects

  1. Developing Implications of The Norm Is Pleasure Tooargument.
  2. Currently we are going through the rest of On Ends Books One and Two that we have not previously covered. This will be theLucretius Today On Ends Special Series . In the past, we covered the Torquatus monologue on Epicurean Ethics, but now we will turn our attention to the rest of the material, which contains Cicero's criticisms of Epicurus and Torquatus' responses. For the part we have recorded already, check here: Episodes 93-111 - Torquatus narrative of Epicurean Philosophy.
  3. The Lucretius Today podcast is now finishing a series of episodes aimed at providing a basic introduction to Epicurean philosophy based on the organization plan of Norman DeWitt's “Epicurus And His Philosophy.” A table of contents for the book is here: Lucretius Today EAHP. We will set this up in a more organized fashion and eventually get this series to Youtube and similar venues.
  4. Guidebook Format Website – This is a work in progress intended as a “beginner” resource
    1. based on Docusaurus, and will take the places of the site
  5. EpicureanFriends Tiddlywiki – This will allow a more detailed set of files to be consolidated into a single downloadable file
    1. Make progress on Epicurus Week Tiddlywiki and make it follow the flow of the Grok handbook
    2. Use this post to make a single page with lots of tiddlers on the same subject -
    3. Discussion Group -
    4. Sidebar Format -
  6. It is highly desirable to have the EpicureanFriends website, or at least major parts of it, in some kind of archive static file format that is storable and viewable locally in case there are disruptions to internet access. We are currently investigating ways to do that including:
    1. Httrack should allow the website to be downloaded and stored in a zip file.
    2. obsidian/logseq markdown files
    3. Tiddlywiki tiddlywiki Tiddlywiki allows an archive in a single htm file which can be downloaded and viewed in any browser.
    4. dokuwiki


The Epicurus College Course Materials Website contains reference documentation, including digital copies of core ancient Epicurean documents used in the Epicurus College Courses. In addition to those course material documents, we have a series of “Key Issues” documents on the following topics:

Key Links for the project are: | |

Other Important Online Translations: | Perseus Diogenes Laetius - 10- Epicurus - English - Hicks) | Perseus - Lucretius - Latin | Perseus - Lucretius - English - Emery |

