Table of Contents

Lucretius - Topics List

www.epicureanfriends.com_wiki_lib_plugins_ckgdoku_fckeditor_userfiles_image_selection_059.jpgThis Wiki will contain the public domain translations of the Daniel Browne 1734 Edition, the Hugh Munro 1886 Edition, and the Cyril Bailey 1936 edition. For comparison purposes the less literal William Leonard 1916 edition in poem form is available at Perseus here. Another list of various English translations is here.

Transcription of Book 1 of the Daniel Browne edition is now complete, and we are in the process of adding the remaining five books, with cross-references of each book against the Latin text. If you are available to assist (as simple as typing the text from the PDF into an email) please email or check in here. At present (06/27/18) transcription of book one is now complete, with books two through six remaining to be done. The text of the Browne translation needs to be typed into books two through six, and then line equivalent line numbers added to the Munro and Bailey versions which are already transcribed.

BROWNE 1734 Edition : Browne 1 | Browne 2 | Browne 3 | Browne 4 | Browne 5 | Browne 6

MUNRO 1886 Edition: Munro 1 | Munro 2 | Munro 3 | Munro 4 | Munro 5 | Munro 6 | Latin Text

BAILEY 1936 Edition: Bailey 1 | Bailey 2 | Bailey 3 | Bailey 4 | Bailey 5 | Bailey 6

The remainder of this page is a work in progress toward setting up a table of contents with links to important passages. References to line numbers are to the Latin text, against which most editions of Lucretius are indexed.

Sample Side-By-Side Comparison From Book 6


Table of Topics

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Book 6

Table of Canonical Principles

Table of Ethical Principles

Paraphrased Lucretius Book 1 (Daniel Brown Edition)