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activities:meetings_and_conventions [2023/07/04 17:54] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation cassiusamicusactivities:meetings_and_conventions [2023/07/05 19:10] (current) cassiusamicus
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-====== Epicurean Meetings and Conventions ======+====== In-Person Meetings ======
 New:  [[Meetup Handouts]] New:  [[Meetup Handouts]]
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 {{ :selection_074.png?200|}} {{ :selection_074.png?200|}}
-We already have in place some excellent websites to assist leaning about what it means to be Epicurean.  For a simplified list of core Epicurean ideas, see [[keyissues:major_characteristics_of_the_epicurean_view_of_life]] and the [[:summary_of_epicurean_philosophy]] on this website. In addition to the material cited already, Haris has set up [EpicurusPhilosophy.com](https://epicurusphilosophy.com/) in support of his book, and Hiram has published his [SocietyOfEpicurus.com](http://societyofepicurus.com/) as part of his work.  Many additional resources are available at [NewEpicurean.com](https://newepicurean.com)+We already have in place some excellent websites to assist leaning about what it means to be Epicurean.  For a simplified list of core Epicurean ideas, see [[keyissues:major_characteristics_of_the_epicurean_view_of_life]] and the [[activities:summary_of_epicurean_philosophy]] on this website. In addition to the material cited already, Haris has set up [EpicurusPhilosophy.com](https://epicurusphilosophy.com/) in support of his book, and Hiram has published his [SocietyOfEpicurus.com](http://societyofepicurus.com/) as part of his work.  Many additional resources are available at [NewEpicurean.com](https://newepicurean.com)
  • activities/meetings_and_conventions.1688507663.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/07/04 17:54
  • by cassiusamicus